Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Adobe Illustrator

For our first assignment with Adobe Illustrator, we learned how to make basic shapes and how to place color in the shapes. with Illustrator, it was confusing at first but then I got the hang of it and started trying to make more shapes. I learned how to use the shaper tool and how to make a series of different shapes. I also learned how to adjust the shape to have more or less points. Over all i thought this first project was a good base for what we will be continuing to do.

For our second project, I decided to make a pumpkin on a dark night with a sky full of stars. To make the pumpkin, I used two different shades of orange to have a bit of contrast in it. The sky is a dark blue that is suppose to represent the dark nighttime sky. I also put white stars o make the sky pop a bit more and for it to not be so dark.  I think my work has improved from when we started and I like my work.

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