Monday, May 22, 2017

4th Quarter Group Project

For the 4th quarter project, my group decided to be named The Brady Mendoza's. Our product was the iCup and the iCup has the ability to refill with any drink you wish to have. Our slogan was quench your thirst.  The process in creating was that our group decided to divide and conquer. So two people went to work on the graphics and they other two people went to work on the animation. We all edited a video and I made the website. I made the 2-D animation as well.

One professional skill I leaned was that if someone in your group won't do something to just step up and do it yourself so the you can get the project turned in on time. I also fathered my knowledge by building the website. I didn't understand how to do it at first but now I do.

Something I would've done differently wouldd be starting on thewebsite earlier and making sure that everyone is cooperative. I would keep the amount of time spent on each rotation the same because it gave the group time to talk and discuss what needed to be done.

The group presentation was a success in my eyes. We had gone last on the second day and we were a little worried that our website wouldn't be done in time. However we pushed through and got everything done. Something I would do differently is making sure that the group has time to meet with there team to figurer out what each person will say in the presentation. 

Overall I personally think that this was a fun project. I would include a little bit more direction on building the website. The video's we challenging for a lot of people and a handful of us had to figure it out on our own. This really showed me that if someone isn't doing there part and the deadline is approaching quickly, that you will most likely have to pick up the slack.

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