Wednesday, May 24, 2017

e9 4th Quarter Final

4th Quarter Group Project

The project that I had was called the iCup. The project took about a month to finish. Some challenges that I faced were trying to get everyone to work together and getting the website done on time. I learned how to collaborate well with my team. I also learned more technical skills while creating the website. Some feedback that was given was to reverse more before the presentation and to make sure that everyone was helping out. For the video I decided to edit it down to make it a shorter video. My overall opinion of my work in 4th quarter is pretty good. I definitely could improve on the website design, but I think that everything went pretty well.

How did you use your time?

I have used my time in class working on my projects. for me to stay focused I listen to music, so when i get my work done early I typically go back through and see if I can add anything that would make the project better. My time and project management are overall really well. I would use the extra time to improve my work or go through and see if anything was missing that I needed to get caught up on. Outside of class I would use Adobe Illustrator on my personal laptop to just draw and mess around. I also would use Adobe Photoshop to edit photos I would take on my phone. 


Some of my strengths are getting things done quickly and also using my time very well. A way to maximize my strengths could be working more outside of school and also making sure I understand the projects before I get started on them to make sure that they are done right.


Something that I could improve on is being more vocal about my opinions and work on my leadership skills. To help with the leaderships skills, I worked on getting my ideas across to people more frequently and more vocally. 


I loved being able to work with one of my friends, Rachel. I personally wouldn't want to change anything about this quarter. My overall take away from this quarter is that I can be a leader and I can help others when they need help. I also have learned a unique set of skills that will help me later in life. One goal for me personally for next year is to excel in the Engineering program. I had an amazing time in e-Comm and I have made a lot of friends through this program.

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