Monday, December 19, 2016

e9 Quater 2 Reflection

My areas of strength in graphic design is sketching. I like to sketch a lot and because of that I have bettered myself. I also feel like my presentations skills are very high. This quarter we worked on presentation skills and we presented our personal logos.

An area I need to improve on is using Adobe Illustrator better. I struggled sometimes to get what I drew in my sketch book into Illustrator. I also think I could improve on talking out more. Another thing I could improve on is expressing my ideas better.

I loved how much we got to sketch and just have fun. I personally love to sketch so I found this really fun. I also loved how we could work together and sketch.

One thing I would change differently is to have a little bit more time to sketch and work with Adobe Illustrator. Several times I had to come in after school and work on my projects. I also had to come in early and work.

Overall I learned that before you do anything in AdobeI Illustrator, you have to sketch it out first. I also learned how to work with Adobe Illustrator.

One goal I would like to set for next semester is to try and understand the program more. I would also like to try and do my best.

e9 Final-Web Design

To start my web design experience, I had to download videos that would show me how to work with Adobe Dreamweaver. I then got a photo of myself of of my phone and put into Photoshop. Then I cropped it down to size. After I had my picture in,  I continued to watch the videos and learn more about what it was that I had to. While watching the videos I would go through and do the work on my project.

This project took pretty long. I am currently still working on this and am using my time wisely to get my work done. It is a bit hard to get all of the videos in in a short amount of time because they are around ten to fifteen minutes long. Overall I think I have used my time wisely.

A challenge I faced was that my computer wouldn't load sometimes. Another challenge I faced was trying to figure out what I was doing in Dreamweaver. I eventually got my computer fixed and started to understand how Dreamweaver works. It was pretty challenging for me personally because I had to switch computers back and forth.

I learned how to create a basic website and I also learned how to work with Dreamweaver. For me, Dreamweaver is pretty confusing. But after a while I started to get used to it. Another thing I learned was how to work with Photoshop. I had never used Photoshop before so it was pretty fun.

My overall opinion on the web design process is that it's okay. I haven't finished my web design project yet, so from what I have done, my final outcome is pretty good. I like the idea of creating your own website but, it is very time consuming. This project was pretty fun to experience.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Personal Logo

My personal logo is the word love formed into a heart. I feel that this accurately represents me, because I love Love. It was difficult to think of a logo that would work for me but I was just messing around and created the heart. I used the color red because it's a color that can associate with love. I personally really like my logo. 

The sketching process what really easy. Started to draw the "L" in cursive for the word love and decided to loop it into a heart shape. Then inside of the heart I wrote out the rest of the word love in cursive. I used typography in this project along with a symbol. Sketching this took a bit of time to try and get it were I wanted it and get it to how I wanted it to look. I also use the color red when sketching to bring out the logo more.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Thinking About Color

My favorite color is black. I associate this color with the night sky and looking at stars. I have not always liked the color black, I actually like purple at one point. In fashion, black is used as a good color to use for branding. I would change most bright colored clothes to the color black because some  of them are too bright. Blackberries and most fashion companies have black in them. Black is a dark color.

My least favorite color is yellow. I associate the sun with the color yellow and the sun is really bright somedays which causes it to be really hot outside. I have always hated the color yellow. Yellow is used a lot for clothing. I would not change anything to the color yellow because they are too bright to handle. Lemons are a sour fruit that are colored yellow. This is a very bright color.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Sketches and Illustrator

In this project, we were required to draw twenty different flowers, houses, birds, or trees. I chose to draw twenty different flowers. At first it was easy to find different flowers, it was easy to find the common ones, but after that I had do do some searching. Some of the more exotic flowers that I found were Bells of Ireland and Birds of Paradise.

Trying to recreate one of these flowers was pretty easy. I chose to make a peony, which is similar to a daisy but it is bigger. I used a bright pink to bring out the yell and orange center. I feel like my project looks petty good. I am happy about my work.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Adobe Illustrator

For our first assignment with Adobe Illustrator, we learned how to make basic shapes and how to place color in the shapes. with Illustrator, it was confusing at first but then I got the hang of it and started trying to make more shapes. I learned how to use the shaper tool and how to make a series of different shapes. I also learned how to adjust the shape to have more or less points. Over all i thought this first project was a good base for what we will be continuing to do.

For our second project, I decided to make a pumpkin on a dark night with a sky full of stars. To make the pumpkin, I used two different shades of orange to have a bit of contrast in it. The sky is a dark blue that is suppose to represent the dark nighttime sky. I also put white stars o make the sky pop a bit more and for it to not be so dark.  I think my work has improved from when we started and I like my work.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Social Media Awareness


Social media awareness is very important. If you post something bad online, then colleges may look at it and make their choice on if they want you at their school or not. Many students aren't aware that what they post can affect them. When applying for colleges , some students are "cleaning" their social media. By this they are eliminating all of the bad post that would make a college or even a job turn them down.

How to use it

I can use this information to know what is good to post online. I can also use this to know what colleges might be looking for. It can also be helpful in deciding if I or one of my friends should tag each other on post. Overall, social media can be fun to use, but you have to make sure that what you post is appropriate. 

Monday, October 24, 2016

Elevator Pitch

What is an elevator pitch? 

An elevator pitch is a concise, carefully planned, and well-practiced marketing message about yourself. The pitch should be simple enough that your friend, teacher, or family member can understand it. Elevator pitches should explain your skills and strengths and should help you achieve your goal or self-promotion. 

Elevator Pitch

I am a student at ONW with an interest for learning new things. My friends compliment me on how fast I can learn different skills. I am looking for new skills to help me help others. I am effective at learning. Now I want to help others learn these skills as well.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Technical Stuff

In this video I show you how to edit a video in Adobe Premiere. First you have to import the video. Second you have to select the shot you want. Third you cut the clip, then fourth you drag the edited shot in the timeline. Then once you have done this with all of your shots you have successfully edited a video in Adobe Premiere.

Chase Scene

For this project, we were required to make a chase scene videos. In mine, we had someone buy fruit snacks then have another person run and take them. We also had to work with partners which was both good and bad. The good was that there was other people to help with the video. The bad was that sometimes we would all get distracted. Somethings I think we could have improved on are not stoping and starting, having more shots, and sticking to the story more. Overall I think this was a good experience. 

Monday, September 26, 2016

A to B sequence

For this project we had to work with a partner. I personally think that this project went well. some things that we could do better on are the rule of thirds and making sure that we wear the same thing in the video if we need to shoot for two days. We had all the shots but i think we should have stuck to the plan a bit more.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

First Time with Premiere

My first time with premiere was very different. Filming this was very fun and challenging as well.
I liked this project very much because you got to go through the school and take videos. I would want to do a project like this again.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Chalk Flags

This past week at ONW the e-Comm students did group projects. Some people chose colors that they liked and some chose based on phycological meaning. My personal color was purple. I chose it because its a calm color and it's also my favorite. Next we had to come up with a symbol that represented us. Some people drew yin and yang symbols. Some drew a sport that they like. Me personally, i drew a soccer ball because it's my favorite sport and I've been playing for eleven years. This was our first project so of course there were some problems. Over all it was a good team bonding activity. That's it for today bye!